Thursday, November 6, 2014

2014 Horror Fest: E.T.X.R.: 15 Out Of 100 Stars

So the hook of this movie, what got me to watch it, is that a DJ comes into possession of a telescope, the schematics of which were initially developed by Nikola Tesla. At which point strange things start to happen. Now even though I'd probably be willing to let another man make love to my face before I'd listen to an hour techno music, you namedrop Tesla and I'm willing to give it a chance.

That I was able to sit through the entire 77 minutes of this thing makes me kind of proud. It's like I now know that I can deal with just about anything that comes my way, I'll give it that much credit.

So Bix The Bug is a DJ who wears a giant helmet with antennas on it, and he DJ's and shit. One day an old friend from MIT shows up and informs him that he's built this telescope and he's receiving sound signals that he can't figure out on it. So Bix takes the telescope and starts using it at his shows, all of which last approximately 30 seconds and feature annoying video and audio distortion that make the movie look like you're watching it on a TV from 1983, in a rainstorm, on acid.

There's liberal plot lifting from Back To The Future and 2001, but the movie doesn't feel like anything more than an outline of an idea. Despite being a movie about a Tesla telescope that picks up weird signals from space, the movie is roughly as scientific as my pubes. It never goes into depth about a single plot point, or any of its characters. Every single thing that happens in the movie might as well not happen, because once it's done, everyone just moves on anyway with no repercussion.

About the only thing good I can say about E.T.X.R. is that it looks good when it's trying to look like an actual movie and that the actors have presence. Other than that it's just a big a pile of visual and aural nonsense that thinks it's saying something profound, when it not only doesn't have a thing to say, but doesn't show the slightest bit of acumen in conveying it if it did.

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