I don't remember much from the original See No Evil except that I enjoyed it pretty well, so I was looking forward to the sequel based just on that. Then I saw that Danielle Harris, a scrumptious little dish if ever there was, was starring. Sign me up! And then the movie started and despite a few glaring logic flaws that I was willing to overlook, the setup had me hopeful because, well, hot chicks. Besides Harris there are two smoking hot girls. And then it just proceeded to never really do much of anything good.
So Harris works as a Medical Examiner or Morgueician or whatever. Her two male coworkers, one of whom is smitten with her, and her friends decide to throw her a Birthday party in the morgue because all of the victims from Jacob Goodnights rampage are coming in to be tagged and bagged and she won't be able to leave. So the party starts and one of the girls wants to do it in the same room that Jacobs body is being stored. She's a really good actress and she's hot and she's totally perfect for this kind movie. Then all hell breaks loose. From there it's a cacophony of uninspired kills, bad set design and direction, unfortunate attempts at acting from Glen Jacobs whom I know is a competent actor, but it just seems like he's phoning it in here. Even the editing is shoddy. It almost looks like they had Jacobs on set for a small amount of time and just rushed through a lot of things.
Ok, time to pick some nits. First off, why are there only 3 people working in morgue in the middle of nowhere? Why is the building so fucking huge if there are only 3 people working there? Why does the whole damn set look like they took 1 hallway and just changed colors a few times and tried to pass it off as a bunch of different hallways? Why is there a fucking underground cell? Why are there exit signs ALL OVER THE PLACE and yet nobody can get the fuck out of the building? Why do they have to keep their cell phones in a safe at the front desk? You can never tell where anyone is at or where the fuck they're going. People just run and run and never get anywhere, and it's frustrating as all hell.
Next we have the unnecessary 'plot' involving Harris and her brother. He doesn't like her decisions, she's tired of living for him. Shut up the both of you. Then Harris and her fella M.E. are smitten with each other but they just can't pull the trigger and admit it. The guy is just not leading man material, even in a dorky way. Every moment he's on the screen just seems to sap more and more life from the movie. I don't give a shit if he dies, I don't give a shit if he's in love, I just don't give a shit.
Some hot chicks and a strong female lead are completely wasted on a script and a production that look like they were churned out in a matter of weeks in an attempted cash grab. See No Evil? See no reason to watch this movie, is more like it.
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