Pretty disappointing follow up that trades focus for brevity while at the same time jumbling it's message in a sea of shock value that doesn't go much more than skin deep.
For all the shit he gets, Nicolas Cage made the first movie work. Here, left to their own devices, the script does no service at all to the young talent trying to carry this movie. There are moments where it seems like they're trying really hard to add that layer of seriousness and drama that Cage provided in the first movie, but all the moments come like flashes and are surrounded by too much silly shit.
The first film was so good that it was easy to forgive some of the shit they did, but here, watching teenagers dance around to songs about making that pussy drop, it's just cheap man, real cheap. And the rape shit is just off the charts stupid and uncomfortable, but they didn't have the balls to leave it in, because then you'd have to do some real explaining about why and how it's OK to do that in such a shitty movie.
I will grant that a good of the deal of the funny stuff is funny, if awkward. I bet there are a few versions of the script that focus more on the dark side or more on the funny side, but this finished product is just a jumble that doesn't do either version properly.
Jim Carey is really good and tries his damn best, but it's not enough.
The Kick Ass franchise is kicked, empty the bowl.
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