What begins as a documentary meant to look back on the life of film critic Roger Ebert, Life Itself instead becomes a heartbreaking glimpse into his last weeks on earth. The film opens with Ebert just re entering the hospital for what is thought to be a simple fracture in his leg, we would later learn that the cause was a recurrence of his cancer which would take his life not long afterwards.
Growing up, Siskel & Ebert were a huge part of my life. My Sunday ritual that would end with NFL Football, began early in the morning with At The Movies, their appearances on Howard Stern and Carson were always a must see. In recent years it was his website, which included reviews and essays, and an unfiltered look into the cancer that had taken part of his face, that made me admire and respect him even more. But I don't think you need to have that sort of relationship with him to appreciate this film.
Life Itself is at once uplifting and soul crushing. It spends just enough time on every aspect of Eberts life, from his childhood and early days as a possessed newsman, to his revolutionizing the way film critics were regarded, to his relationship with Gene Siskel and then his cancer and ultimately his death. Perhaps the only thing I felt shorted on was the there was no mention of the Roeper years, nor in fact, was Roeper anywhere to be seen in the documentary. I found that odd.
It seems only fitting that the final mark Roger Ebert makes on cinema, is to be the star of one of the best films made this year. Two thumbs up.
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