This gets a slightly above average rating due to a stellar stretch of the film that delivered a bunch of legit scares and just wonderful horror movie execution. I jumped a good 4 or 5 times and was on the edge of my seat thru this entire period of the film. Unfortunately it falls off the cliff near the end and really just sort of falls into silliness that was neither all that frightening or fun to watch.
The story revolves around Prison Breaks Dominic Purcell and a couple of his old friends from college, who during a buddies funeral, get together, share some drinks and do some gravedancing in memory of their fallen friend.
Turns out their gravedancing has unleashed the spirits of 3 psychos who aren't happy their graves were danced upon, and thusly decide to reek havoc in their lives.
The story mainly focuses around Purcell and his live in girlfriend and the haunting they endure is pretty damn awesome and as I said, left me as scared as any horror movie I've seen lately, it's just really wonderfully done.
They eventually find out that the other friends are being haunted as well. The chick was even raped by the ghost who's tormenting her, a judge from the 1880's who had a proclivity for sexual torture. The fact that the ghost rape wasn't shown really cheesed me off though cause she was pretty damn hot.
Anyway, once the 3 old college pals realize they're all being haunted they contact a team of ghost hunters and the movie kind of goes in the shitter from there. Not that it's overly bad it just slowly goes downhill right up to the final silly scenes that do a disservice to the greatness of the early part of the film.
There's a point in the movie where they think they've broken the curse, if you turn it off right there you'll be much happier than if you try and sit thru the last 35 minutes.
Almost, but not quite, for The Gravedancers.
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