I really liked this movie. And I honestly have no clue what all the bitching and moaning is about except this disturbing inner notion that people have turned on M. Knight for reasons I can't quite comprehend.
The story is basic, simple and very suspenseful. Big occurrences come with the proper shock and awe that all good suspense movies strive for and so very few achieve. In fact as I watched this, observing, not lamenting the slower pace I found myself in anticipation of what would happen next, not in boredom as I suspect a lot of the critics were.
Knights actors have always presented a stilted way of talk, a more reserved way of doing things. What others are calling bad acting I believe is in fact very true to the way of how he wants his characters to behave and come across. I felt in this film and in his previous films that this behavior is right in tune with the mysterious backdrops of his stories.
If he ever returns to his halcyon days of public and critical praise I think it will be with a movie much like this than reprising the "shocking" twists of his early works. A subtle, low key but highly suspenseful movie.
In summation, it's slow but doesn't drag, contains mystery and otherworldly elements but doesn't bombard you with supernatural cockamamie and really is a nice film.
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