I'm not sure why I never watched this movie before, I think I just had it in my head that it was too goofball a concept and probably not all that well executed. I was pretty wrong.
The first 20 minutes or so are really well done and set up the ending wonderfully, it's almost like a modern day parable and I was genuinely touched by Bubble Boy and his love interest.
Once his girl goes off to get hitched and Bubble Boy decides to chase after her, the movie hit a bit of a lull for me and It fell into exactly what I suspected it would be. Fortunately, after that brief lull comes just a ton of fun and an outright warmhearted laugh fest. Bubble Boys adventurous journey to Niagra Falls, followed by a band of freaks, religious wackos and biker gang had me rolling in laughter and genuinely excited for the final scenes, which did not disappoint.
A funny, touching, film that really shouldn't be overlooked.
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