Well, this movie tried to be everything I've ever wanted a movie to be. Some decent gore in context to go along with a chick fucking herself with a plunger. Lesbian rape, and a good old fashioned raping of a blonde chick in the woods. But alas, it's just too cheesy and bad to be entertaining as anything more than jerkoff material for those so inclined.
It's the story, term used loosely, of two young women who sell bibles door to door and end up, imagine this, in the clutches of a family of deviants. The problem is that of the two young girls, the hotter one is killed pretty quick, and while she has a certain appeal to her, the main character, a blonde girl by the name of Cheryl Leone, just doesn't really have a huge boner appeal.
Anyway, the family consists of the head "bad ass", a slightly retarded goof, and a not ugly, but by no means hot, hispanic chick who likes to fuck herself with toilet tools. This group gets off on torture, sexual and otherwise, and has a good time with various hookers and strippers before being stumbled upon by the bible thumping pussy. Once they've had their fun, it turns into your standard chase/revenge story that has little imagination or originality.
The filming is low budget but looks good enough to pass as grindhouse, so that isn't much of a problem. The acting and camera work are all a notch below, but not atrocious, and the gore is funny enough, over the top enough, and gross enough, to be appealing.
Hotter female leads and a little better filming on the sex stuff would have done this baby a world of justice.
I wouldn't quite recommend it as a "movie", but if you're looking to whack it to some sadistic softcore porn, or wanna see some heads get cut off, then you might as well give it a go.
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