10 Stars for some slight chuckles sprinkled throughout, and for Megan Fox and her tits and her ass and her legs and eyes and what not.
Never has a movie spent so much time explaining itself. I mean for the love of Christ. The DVD should come with a handbook. Just like in the first movie, the action sequences are worthless because nothing looks like anything coherent. It's a jumbled CGI mess of what are supposed to be robots, but fuck man it's just so pointless.
The writing is.....sitcom level, and not even good sitcom. I'm talking WB level sitcom.
I'm literally baffled beyond repair over why this thing is TWO HOURS AND 30 MINUTES LONG. I mean, the back story, oh the fucking back story. Nobody can be in love with their ideas this much can they? The movie spends like 75% of it's time on this hideously meandering story that nobody needed to tell and nobody needed to hear.
It's been out long enough and been reviewed by enough people that pretty much everybody is aware of all it's faults, but my god. It's just a giant piece of shit filled with words that need not be spoken by characters who need not exist and is, in fact, a movie that need not exist.
This Transformer is Atrocitess Prime.
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