Good? Yes. But to be honest it's just getting to be a tired genre. I mean, it's hard to develop tangible emotions over this stuff at this point.
Clooney is solid as usual, playing a man whose job it is to fly from town to town and fire people. When a young upstart comes into his company and convinces the big boss, played by Jason Bateman with a kind of frightening beard, to downsize and start doing the firings via teleconference, Clooney convinces him to have her go on the road with him so that she can see that this isn't the kind of job you can do over a computer.
It's all very good, but right from the get go when Clooneys character is established it's pretty clear the road the film is going to have him take. Guy without a home, distant with his family, lives city to city on a single suitcase. Do you think he'll have some sort of epiphany? Of course you do, cause that's what these movies are about.
So while point A to point Z are obvious, everything in between is well acted and written and fun. It's just that once you know point Z well maybe that takes a little out of the journey.
The only other thing that stands out is that the body double for his love interest has a sweet ass, on full display in a rather gratuitous, rather extended shot. But I aint complaining.
Up In The Air is a fun place to be, I suppose.
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