This is the animated movie released last year. Now far be it from me to judge, but who the fuck watches this shit? I have no idea if this is indicative of the cartoon world but holy hell is this a cacophony of the abysmal.
It's clearly not for kids, but it's also far, far, far, far, too stupid to be for adults. I fucking hope.
The entire story, the dialogue, it's just.........god damn awful.
The entire time I'm watching this thing I'm thinking to myself, it's a cartoon, there are no limits on what you can do or how you can present your story, and you've clearly got some money to work with, and the best you can come up with is this shit? Look, I understand that the underlying story to Wonder Woman is the yin and yang between man and woman but this is some fucking 5th grade level shit going on here. Maybe that's who it appeals to, 20-35 year olds who haven't matured since they hit puberty. I dunno.
The script is shit, the battles are shit, there's no titillation, it's all just so cookie cutter.
Fuck man, when I watch 80 minutes of something Wonder Woman related and I don't even come close to popping wood then somebody done fucked it up.
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