Thursday, January 24, 2013

2009 Horror Fest: Halloween 2: 45 Out Of 100 Stars

I wanted to give this a slightly positive rating, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. There is some good here, most of it in the abstract however, and I can't really overpraise it with style points when the fact of the matter is that the substance continues to be subpar.

First, the good. Zombie does a hell of a job in humanizing and making Michael Myers as real as possible while still maintaining the mythical aura around him. Just the fact that we see his face, see the real human being and are shown how and why he is who he is, and what he's after, makes that aspect one of the better parts of any movie of this genre ever. The aspects of his mothers ghost, the otherworldly dementia and so on, I also really enjoyed.

Now the bad. All of that awesome stuff is surrounded by tediously cliche and horrid kill scenes. If anything, those are the one thing I'd think he'd be able to do really well, but he doesn't. I mean, I was retching at the unoriginal and boring chases and horrendous payoffs (the first 15 minutes pissed me the fuck off).

I sort of liked the tone of the Loomis character in this film, but once again he's just played so over the top. I love Roddy McDowel, but he wasn't the man to play Loomis. Not in the first one, and not in this one.

All in all it's better than the first one, but that's damning with very faint praise because once child Michael left the screen in the first film, it was all downhill. I feel like there's one really good story between the 2 films and maybe with some better kills it could have been awesome.

It aint as horrible as the first one, but I'm not sure I can recommend sitting through almost 2 hours more of this story.

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