Private Benjamin inspired straight to DVD fare starring Jessica Simpson as a Hollywood starlet whose life goes into disaray when she discovers her boyfriend having an affair with her manager and concurrently finding out her uncle/accountant has stolen all her money.
Simpson goes on a bender and ends up passing out in front of an army recruitment center where she ends up signing papers to join the Army.
Now, this first act of the film is actually quite enjoyable and while not ho ho holoarious, does provide some nice laughs and a rather interesting setup. That sort of all falls apart once she actually goes into basic training and is joined by a stock cast and script.
We have the blowhard corp leader, the group of girls she befriends, all of whom have different nationality's naturally, and the hard ass fellow cadet played by Sheri Oteri.
So everyone hates Jess because she's a star and a ditz but then she wins them over, but then something happens and she falls out of favor before once again winning them over in the end.
It's sort of a shame because the beginning of the movie showed some promise, but once the cliches started rolling in they never really stopped. The only true high point of the last hour of the film comes when Oteri has a bizarre scene in which she performs oral sex on a snickers bar.
One last thing I'd like to note that someone in the Simpson/Carey thread made a statement about how despite how obviously striking her features are, Simpson sort of totally lacks a sexual buzz about her and this could not of been any truer watching this film. I know it's not relevant per se to the quality of the film but no matter how pretty her face is or how big her boobs are, she just comes across as an ordinary chick. She does not radiate.
Anyway, not a good movie, not a horrid movie, just pretty much a movie you've seen a hundred times before.
This is one Valentine you'd rather not get.
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