Also known as The Steam Experiment, this is a quirky little thriller starring Val Kilmer.
Not great, but it moves along nicely and delivers some pretty good shocks and twists.
Movie stars Kilmer as someone, perhaps a scientist, perhaps a mental patient, who may have a group of people trapped in a steam room cooking to death.
Kilmer as the "bad guy" and Armand Assante as the cop questioning him, are both pretty good and the action in the steam room is OK, but the film doesn't give much setup or allow for much character depth as all the steam room occupants are having conflicts from the first moment we see them, which was kind of an eye roller, but I suppose it worked out OK.
The main problem I have with the film is that it has this subtext that doesn't really deliver, and in the end despite a neat twist there's not a real reason why any of this is happening and it's sort of just all over the place not knowing whether it's a message movie, a horror film, a drama, or what.
There's some decent T&A as 3 of the steamers are chicks and they're all dressed skimpily but there is very little overall sexuality in the film.
It kept me intrigued and is probably worth a viewing.
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