I'm probably giving this too many stars but the truth is that at one point, fairly deep into the film, I was on the plus side of 50, but then it just sort of withered away, and looking back, what I liked I really loved, but there just wasn't enough of it to make this worth seeing.
Lets start with the good, and be forewarned that I'm likely to spoil some shit as I go into detail, so bail now if that's gonna bother you.
Things that were really awesome about this movie. The humanizing shots of Jason. Not that they made him seem human per se, but there were some amazing closeups of Jasons eyes and head movements that were so good they really creeped me out and put a nice new spin on the wickedness in his soul. There were certain points of cinematography that were just amazingly done. Really vibrant updates of the scenery familiar from the original and sequels that had the same feel as those movies but updated and made to look awesome. I'm talking mainly of the lake and some of the afternoon forest shots. Both of those things at times gave the movie a very nice aura. They maintained things from the original but used modern technology and better camera work to give off a much sinister feel to Jason and the terrain, kudos to them for that. Also, the tits in the film were top notch.
Now the bad. Dialog straight out of a bad sitcom, especially in the first part of the film. It always amazes me how dialog is so easy to make real and yet these movies can never do it right. Next up we have the characters, total stock and without depth or lacking depth, no depth. In other words they weren't horrendous enough to be funny or good enough to make me care, they were just pulled out central casting and plopped down. I never cared once about anyone who died in the movie nor was I tense when they were being chased. I just didn't care.
Next we have some bad camera work and lack of perception to anything going on. More than once characters were looking places and I had no idea what they were supposed to be seeing. Some obviously bad edits didn't help.
Onto the jumble of the captured girl looking like the mother. Sort of explained, sort of not. Sort of lifted, sort of not. Sort of used in the movies climax, sort of not. It was unnecessary to even try, much less to half ass. Also, Jasons running and his pack rat underground labyrinth, neither of those things helped the film or were needed.
None of the hunts or kills were particularly great, and in fact the idea of Jason invading club med sort of bogged the film down in my opinion, especially since we were never really given a clue as to how spaciously divisive everything was. Early in the film we're given the idea that the barn is a bit of a way away from the camp and the house but at the the end of the film it's sort of right there next to the camp.
The finish is awful in it's own right, and using a modified callback made it even worse. Really, they take him to the lake to dump him in? Why? Why on earth?
Finally, and this is nitpicking I know, but having a flashback and acknowledging the time of the flashback, then having a chyron that says "present day" only to be followed by a chyron that says "6 weeks later" just annoyed the fuck out of me. Has the film jumped into the future?
In the end we've got a bit of a jumbled mess, and it would appear at least a few people working on the film had a good idea of how to handle it, but in the end a real bad script and a decision to sort of lift stuff and sort of take a new path just screwed it all up. Add in the awful dialog and fairly crappy characters and you've got a sub par slasher on your hands as well as a film that doesn't come within 100 yards of doing grace to the originals.
You had prime titty on hand willing to display itself, you had great cinematography at the lake, that's really all you needed. I'd wager $1000 dollars that whoever shot the movie could have done some awesome stuff with the camp itself had they decided to go in that direction. Punch up the script, put Jason in the woods were he belongs and we really could of had something. Unfortunately we got stuck with this misguided mess.
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