Goth Girl: When I fart, each blast of air is a message to Robert Smiths brain waves.
Bizzare Guy: You think you're dark? I poop from my dick tip.
This is a line from Terror At Blood Fart Lake, a movie so exquisitely over the top that I can easily proclaim it the most bizarre thing I've ever seen on film. And yet it's still able to reel itself in from it's own absurdness to be just coherent enough to work.
What we got here is a film from Low Budget Pictures that actually feels more like scenes from an improv play than movie, but it works gloriously.
The setup is simple and familiar, kids at a lake, a monster and a person out to slay the monster. That's where all similarities end.
The "characters" are all over the place, playing caricatures more than characters who have any sort of connection to each other. That is to say that they're doing their best impersonation of a movie stereotype dropped into the middle of a slasher movie.
You've got the metal head, the girl who thinks she's a 1930's starlet, the Bill & Ted fan who talks like Vinny Barabarino, the real fat goth girl, and the guy who can't act. That's your main cast. Then you've got the supposed hottie who has a gut like a tank, the female warrior with flatulence, the redneck, the bizarre host, and a tale of the ghost who haunts the lake.
Nobody speaks in any sort of real way whatsoever, in fact often times during scenes where people are talking to each other they more or less just deliver a monologue that doesn't really fit the conversation very tightly.
I know this sounds ridiculous, and it took me about 10 minutes to warm up to it but the fact of the matter is that once you stop expecting an actual film it really becomes a fun jaunt.
The writing is up and down but usually extremely funny in a very juvenile and gross fashion. It's made much easier by the fact that most of the screen time is taken up by the actors who are best able to convey the dialog in the fashion it deserves.
If anyone was a fan of Troma as a youngster, back when the gore they presented made you cringe and laugh at all once, I would liken this film to that, but from an auditory standpoint. The language is awesome. From the sick and gross to the absurd and comical, it's just doesn't stop coming at you.
The gore is.....good, because it's played for how shitty it looks.
While maybe intended as a parody, it doesn't quite work that way because it's just too nuts. But that's ok, because the level it does work on it works on marvelously.
Take a trip to Blood Fart Lake, you'll enjoy your stay.
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