Hooo boy is this a doozy of a film. From Seduction Cinema we get a mix of Troma quality shlock and horrid acting and sub Cinemax level simulated sex, unfortunately the simulated sex accounts for what feels like half of the movies runtime.
The crux of our story is that The Jerker has stolen all the porn in Bacchum City in an attempt too......well, I'm not real sure. He claims that it's too build peoples sexual frustration so that when the porn is reintroduced they will flood the city with semen and sexual craziness. Alrighty then.
There is some good to the film, first off it's totally retarded in a fun way when stuff is actually happening, but as I alluded to earlier, way too much of the film is taken up by ssssssllllllloooooooowwwwww and awful sex scenes. I mean, there's like 6 or 7 of them and none of them are shorter than 5 minutes. There's a lot of "fucking" with people fully clothed, including a scene where Batbabe and Mr. Sleaze, in a jumpsuit and helmet, have "sex". There's also a villain in a Luchadore mask who gets a nice blowjob with his pants on. This kind of stuff can be sort of funny, but not when it goes on for 6 minutes in slow motion with the worst music you've ever heard playing in the background.
The fun part is watching the horrendous photoshop level special effects and the redundant scenery. For instance almost all the exterior shots take place in the same alley or in front of the same building, and the cutaways that try and suggest the action is actually taking place in the middle of a busy NY street is laughably hilarious. The interiors are just as bad as both the Commissioner and Police Chief have "offices" that are about 3ftx3ft wide. The Hospital that is so clearly nothing more than an old apartment building is just as awesome.
The Jerker has some legitimately funny lines and some "so bad they're good" lines but almost everything not involving him is just sort of a sad mix of bad acting and unfunny dialog.
The women are also a problem as none of them are particularly hot and all are pretty tatted up, which I'm not into but ymmv.
This wouldn't be a half bad 40 minute retarded romp, but as packaged you either need to accept the fact that you'll need to fast forward thru a majority of it or risk falling asleep during an interminable sex scene.
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