Wednesday, July 24, 2013

2010 Horror Fest: The Devil's Chair: 46 Out Of 100 Stars

The Devil's Chair is a movie that has a great idea, and that idea is played out masterfully. The problem is that it's about 15 minutes worth idea surrounded by 75 minutes of nothing all that great.

A man is in a mental institution for years after being discovered in an old abandoned building, covered in blood, with a girlfriend that's gone missing. The assumption is that he killed her, his story is that she sat in a demonic chair that ripped her to shreds and took her to another dimension.

After many years, a well respected doctor takes the patient under his wing and returns with him to the scene of the crime to help clear the man of his false memories and help progress his therapy. They are joined by 3 associates of the doctor, 2 female and 1 dude.

From there I'll say no more except that the unfolding of the story came in a twist that left me amused and blown away with its awesomeness. The problem is that after the twist, the actual content still isn't all that fun to watch.

The film is confusing. Most of the performances are schlocky, but revelations suggest they're meant to be. The question then is does that make them any less boring to watch? Not really.

The story is told in the style of Lock, Stock and Snatch. Scenes freeze while the main character provides voice over.

I actually bumped the rating up about 10 points the more I let the twist sink in. I can't quite say that it's worth sitting through, but at the same time it is interesting enough to want to see peoples reactions to it. I dunno.

For what the opening scene delivered, the film really doesn't follow through with a lot of gore or nudity, although it does seem at times like we're going to get some grade A ass. It just never really materializes.

The Devil's Chair provides an interesting question. If a movie is designed to be pedestrian in order to suck you in, what happens when it works?

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