Wednesday, July 24, 2013

2010 Horror Fest: The Lost Skeleton Of Cadavra: 60 Out Of 100 Stars

From the same man, and largely the same cast of, Dark And Stormy Night, we have another send up of old, bad monster movies. The kind you used to watch as a kid that managed to always somehow involve quicksand.

I will say this about this movie, for a film I'm only giving a slightly above average rating to, it's very funny. The problem lies in that the joke is repeated over and over. It's very much a one note film, which causes it to drag instead of sparkle.

The premise is this, A man is looking for the lost skeleton, unfortunately he needs Atmospherum to revive the skeleton. Luckily for him a meteor full of Atmospherum crashes nearby. At the same time, an alien couple crashes their spaceship in the same area, and they too need Atmospherum to fuel their ship. Oh, their pet mutant escaped during the crash. Two other main players, A Scientist and his wife, are vacationing in the same woods.

Dark And Stormy Night worked because it was so frenetic, the word play that was hit or miss there worked better because it came at a constant pace and if one joke didn't work, there was another one coming right away. Here things are much slower, and the jokes hang there longer, causing more than enough dead spots despite some really strong laughs.

The acting is all top notch and the film looks, feels and sounds like one of those old cheese fests on your local syndicated station.

I think your mileage may vary depending on how engaged you are with the tone of the film. If you don't tire of the joke you'll probably have a much funner time watching this then I did, not that I didn't enjoy it.

At times feeling too much like watching the actual thing, The Lost Skeleton Of Cadavra is a pleasant spoof that tends to get bogged down in it's own satire.

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