Thursday, July 25, 2013

2010 Horror Fest: Forgive Me For Raping You: 0 Out Of 100 Stars

I had read that this was a controversial film, and with a title like that, who's to argue. Turns out it's nothing more than a low rent, softcore rape movie that appears to be nothing more than a vehicle for the writer/director/star to surround himself with naked women. A real sad film, by what i'm guessing is a real sad guy, who has just about zero artistic vision, zero artistic ability and looks like he's got an odor about him.

The story, and I use that term loosely, is that a Priest is using his position to molest chicks. There is a ton of nudity and simulated sex but it has to be shot around the leads largeness, so it all sort of just looks clunky. The chicks are ok, not overly hot but not slobs. The acting is pretty wretched and the audio is a hindrance because it's both tinny and there is constant annoying music playing. There isn't even any real psychologically fitting rape in the movie, all the chicks are timid and give in. It's just a big ol annoying movie.

This plays like something that would have been underground in 1985, and you get the VHS and pop it in and 10 minutes later you've fast forwarded through the whole thing wondering what the hell you just saw and what was supposed to be so edgy about it.

Just a collection of scenes with a fat guy feeling chicks up. Forgive Me For Watching You, is more like it.

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