Fuck this movie. A film that so desperately tries to be indie while refusing to accept the broad humor that's right under its nose. It has no problem whatsoever with its preposterous and meet cute setup, but when it boils right down to it, uses every indie "drama" cliche and trick, instead of just fucking being funny.
John Reilly plays a man who has spent the past seven years since his wife left him in a deep, deep funk. He's spent all these years in misery but apparently is still good friends with his ex wife. Maybe that's a key to your depression you fuck.
So she convinces him to go to a party where he not only acts like a loser, but let's face it, he aint much to look at either. So he meets cute with Marisa Tomei, who for no apparent reason digs him.
So these two hook up, but the problem is that she has a 22 year old son played by Jonah Hill whom she is much too close to. To say that the film makers wasted the comedic aspect of this would be like saying that Haiti is not close to putting a man in space.
So the movie chugs along with Hill doing melodramatic things to try and break the new couple up, and it just fucking drags. There are poignant scenes with people looking off while indie movie music plays, lots of them. It's just so pretentious and lazy. The plot develops generically, exactly as you're expecting it to. The laughs are few and far between and when it's over, thank fucking heaven.
The actors all do a capable job with the material.
Indie drama is fine. When done well it can be great and quirky and so much fun. But the writers and makers of this film want their cake and they wanna eat it too. They do every easy and generic thing to set up a comedy and then pussy out by trying to make it a thoughtful and deep film but they don't do any of the work. They just seem to be content with making a bland by the numbers movie, with enough tricks to fool people into thinking it's something deeper than it is.
Fuck this movie.
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