Above average rating because there was nothing wrong with it, and it made me smile a lot, but did I ever really lose it with laughter? Not really. And I don't think it's necessarily the materials fault. Rather the movie has a fractured pacing that makes it hard to get into. You're sort of waiting for stuff to happen, and then you realize that the stuff is happening and you kind of wanted a better set up to it. I dunno if it makes any sense.
Let's put it like this, you expect that these guys will hate their bosses, and that's act one. Ok, that happens. Then you expect them to come to the conclusion that they need to kill their bosses and that should be act two, and then of course the shenanigans of trying to kill their bosses will be act three. The problem is that acts two and three sort of meld without much distinguishing and you always feel like the big stretch of funny is on the horizon but it never really happens.
This is not to say the movie isn't funny, because it is, it's just not laugh out loud, bust a gut, funny.
A humorous, miss paced film with a strong cast, and the sexiest Jennifer Aniston will ever be, it just misses it's mark. It's nowhere near horrible, but it certainly isn't boss.
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