Here we have a movie with an awesome foundation, that surrounds itself with walls of silliness and unneeded rooms.
If you saw the trailer you know that at its heart, the movie is about The Rock getting revenge on the people who have killed his brother, while Billy Bob Thorton plays the cop trying to stop him. The idea of bad ass Rock getting revenge and bad ass Billy Bob chasing him made me erect with anticipation.
Unfortunately the movie is not happy enough to let greatness unfold and instead fills itself with extraneous characters and story, that both muddles and distracts from what we want to see.
There is a Billy Bob back story that feels both shoehorned and then obvious. Add in a most ridiculous character, a hired killer who is a also a millionaire who loves yoga and blah blah blah. Every minute this character is on the screen the viewers frustration is sure to rise. He's unnecessary, unimpressive and stands out like a giraffe in a chicken coop.
There are some excellent and intense scenes when the movie is focused on it's main plot. Then there are scenes that seem to exist for the sole purpose of stroking the writers ego.
The faster it's over, the better.
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