Not gonna lie, I'm watching this solely because Jennifer Lawrence is hot. Unfortunately she comes across more Kristin Stewartish than Jennifer Lawrenceish.
So there's been some sort of apocalyptic war, part of the treaty or whatever, was that the losing faction would send 1 boy and 1 girl from each district (don't ask), every year, to The Hunger Games. The Hunger Games are a government run game that is essentially a fight to the death among the 24 participants. This apparently is to show honor and loyalty to the government or whatever. The people in charge have all the technology and like to dress like it's 17th Century France on acid, while everyone on the losing side is stuck in Kentucky in 1938.
So Jennifer Lawrence, playing a character named Catness. Yes. She's from the poorest district and her little sister gets drafted so she volunteers to go instead. Between there and the actual games we're treated to an interminable sequence that involves preparation, talent evaluations and a parade,. It goes on and on and on and on. Even Woody Harrelson playing a mentor can't save it. It pounds you over the head with how unfair and barbaric the whole thing is, even though, ya know, we had that figured out during the opening voice over.
Once the actual fighting starts it's not bad. It's not real good either though. There's some minor shit with an uprising and a love story and....I dunno, the movie tries to say stuff that doesn't need to be said without really saying it. It's just a hodgepodge and rather uninspired.
A little silly, a little dumb, The Hunger Games is more of a bad snack than a meal.
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