It gets a slightly above average mark for making me laugh some, which is what a comedy is supposed to do. The problem is that the 2nd half of the movie, starting with the intro of Doogie, just goes downhill pretty damn fast and veers into retarded territory full steam.
I liked the set up. One is fat and the other is straight laced, blah blah, conflict, brought together with a mission. It was a decent story and had some strong jokes in the first half. Lt. Dangle and the other hanger on were funny. Was let down by the big reveal at the party, and then it just sort of slip slides away.
The 3D shit was sort of annoying but not as much as I thought it might be considering they did a ton of it.
Anyhoo, a let down considering how good the first two were but I get the impression that this was sort of cranked out in a couple weeks so whatevs. Here's hoping they spend some time on the 4th one and get it right.
Should have called this one, Harold & Kumar Go To The Well One Too Many Times.
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