It's nothing special, but it's not especially awful either. I really think Kevin James could be very good in the right vehicle, he's warm and sincere, and this may be his best film to date that puts that on display, but it's just too hokey. UFC shit is so shoehorned in, that at times it plays like a commercial instead of a movie. And the reality is that the film just isn't very laugh out loud funny.
The supporting cast is decent, although I have no idea why Salma Hayek is here. She isn't given much to do. Bas Rutten is decent, but there's something weird about his character that just didn't connect with me. Henry Winkler was.....fuck man, I dunno, he was good I guess, but I could never get over the idea that I was watching Fonzie.
It's a Sandler movie, so the script is about as generic sap as you would expect. In fact it plays a lot like an extended sitcom situation.
So yeah, a generic sitcom that thinks just having a heart is enough to make it worthwhile. It does not.
Here Comes The Boom, but it's more like A Bleh.
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