Let's make no bones about it, this is an absurdly dumb movie. But it's funny. Tons of cheap laughs, site gags and ridiculous set ups, but given that the movie never really tries for a single moment to pretend it's serious, it all works.
Sandler plays a guy who as a kid, was seduced by his hot teacher and fathered a child of his own at only 15 years of age. I was surprised at how far they took this. First of all the kid doesn't really look a day over 12, second, even though it's a long shot with a strategically placed piano, they show the two of them fucking. I thought the set up was fresh, funny, and helped create a world in which Sandlers usual stupid comedy could exist comfortably.
So Sandlers character ostensibly becomes the worlds first reality star, for a little while, until people eventually get sick of him and his 15 minutes of fame ends.
I'll not spoil much more but Samberg plays the son, and there is of course conflict and dumb situation after dumb situation. It's crude, there's a lot of nudity and sexual situations.
The supporting cast is strong, from Tony Orlando to Vanilla Ice and Dan Patrick.
In summation, a movie full of toilet humor that works because it never makes much effort to be more than that. I laughed. I laughed a lot, what can I say.
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