I liked this movie, I really did, but at the same time it was just so damn frustrating watching Cooper & Lawrence, two of the sexiest people on the planet, act like these downtrodden, mental defectives. It was just a tad bit maddening in and of itself.
So yeah, Cooper is all nuts because his wife left him, his mental problems never feel real because.....they just don't. I've been in two mental institutions, I know what nuts is, and trust me, it's hard to work up sympathy for a guy who's got Jennifer Lawrence offering herself up on a silver platter for 90 minutes.
Anyway, it feels like there's some real material here that sort of gets short shrift so Cooper and Lawrence can win a dance competetion and fall in love and all that shit. I dunno man, it's just too pretty and perfect to convey the kind of message it seems like it wants to convey about mental illness. But whatever, it's Hollywood.
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