Thursday, January 24, 2013

2009 Horror Fest: The Farmhouse: 28 Out Of 100 Stars

What's worse than shit? Boring shit. Unassuming, uncharismatic leads giving run of the mill dialog badly in the middle of every horror film cliche imaginable, even though I think it's trying to be a psychological thriller most of the time.

A young couple looking to start over after a tragedy hits them (the tragedy is pieced together in flashbacks), heads out across country to begin anew. Unfortunately they run into car trouble and end up at the farmhouse of Wings' Steven Weber and his wife. Weber and his wife are pretty good, but the material is so schlocky that it's impossible for them to be taken seriously.

There's a bit of gore and what's supposed to be suspense but as I said, the leads are almost impossible to become invested in so it's sort of just boring. There's some mild sexual stuff and Webbers wife is a hottie but it's just not enough.

The film wraps up with a bit of a twist but by then I just couldn't have cared less.

Even if you're out of gas, don't stay at The Farmhouse, It sucks.

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