Wednesday, January 23, 2013

2009 Horror Fest: Slaughtered Vomit Dolls: 15 Out Of 100 Stars

The tagline for the film is "Witness horror film history and the birth of a new genre of film, Vomit Gore." Ok then.

For starters is is fixed in the lower right hand corner of the screen. MIGHT have just been this rip but I imagine that's the way the DVD's shipped. It's dumb and makes the movie feel low rent, like a porn video or something.

It takes just a moment or two for me to get pretty fuckin bored with this thing as we get bizarre camera shots of bizarre acting and things that I think are supposed to shock me. Then I sort of fall into this trap of thinking that I just don't get what's attempting to be conveyed, but I soon regain faith in myself and realize I'm just watching shitty shots of gross stuff.

The "story" appears to be center around a girl who gives herself to Satan or just an evil dude, i dunno. There are lots of clips of her as a little girl, interspersed with scenes of her as an adult laying in bed, sitting on the toilet, making herself throw up, etc.

The audio is distorted to make it seem evil. EVIL LIKE DEMONS TALKING!! The music or sound effects are the same way, shrill or low distorted shit to give it an evil vibe, but really it's just annoying.

There are "scenes" and I use the word loosely of chicks getting various treatments of mutilation and by the 20 minute mark I'm challenging myself not to just turn this off. I feel like I'll have accomplished something great if I manage to sit thru this whole thing.

Eventually we get some dialog during the mutilation scenes from the strippers before they're disposed of and that adds a bit of coherency and interest to the movie. We finally see the male lead about 40 minutes in, making himself vomit by sticking the chopped off arm of a hooker down his throat. The problem is that I really don't think this is intended to be humorous, but no one with an IQ over 80 can take this any other way.

Ok, now we got eyeballs cut out, skull caps sawed off and the brains eaten out, arms cut off, copious vomiting, drinking of said vomit and then re vomiting and tons of explicit (full on vag shots) nudity. The problem is that none of it resonates in any other way than "oh, there trying to be gross and shocking".

There is a story in all of this milieu, the problem is that it's nowhere near as good a story as perhaps the director or writer thinks it is. And even if it were an awesome story, it would still be lost in the muck of the 6 minute vomit scenes and droning Marilyn Manson like mutilation scenes.

The actual only saving grace of the film is that the female lead had a sweetly whorish Liz Phair esque appeal to her that sort of made me wanna see what happened to her next. Other than that this whole thing is a mess.

Just a stupid exercise in gross out "film making"

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